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Lip Blush

Lip Blush

Lip blush is a form of semi-permanent tattoo or makeup that is perfect for people looking to rejuvenate the color of their lip border or the actual substance of their lips. Elevate PMU artists have the ability to blend and mix you any color you wish to achieve.

Lip Blush


Perfect For Color
At Elevate we can create ANY color you want to enhance your natural lip  color. You can choose from a in stock color or our artist can create you the perfect color for you. Options are endless. Once fully healed you can wear any color over your lips you choose just like you do your natural lips. 


Map and Outline

This is the part of the process that is absolutely crucial to your results. Elevate artists highly skilled at outlining and knowing how far they can push the Vermillian boarder of your lips. Not knowing this could lead to poor results and an unnatural look. Our artist being RNs also understand the importance of lip health and offer top of the line aftercare products for optimal results.


Tattoo Perfection
After applying top of the line medical grade numbing the lip blush procedure truly begins. Elevate artists will work within the determined mapping. Our skilled licensed and trained artists use a technique sure to give your lips the most natural appearance possible.


After Care
You will leave your lip blush service with the top of the line aftercare products to ensure your healing is as fast as possible with the most comfort.

Highlighted Experience

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